The Northern Hemisphere Spring is almost sprung and another growing season is at hand. A recent visit to brought our attention to the increasingly critical plight of the world’s BEE population.

Take it from MARLA SPIVAK. She’s telling it like it T-I-S. And not only Marla. You’ll find plenty of other like minds including ANAND VARMA and NOAH WILSON RICH. Click the links and check them out on

The implications are seriously serious, and we’re not just talking about in the vineyard.

We’ve all got to do something pretty fast to adopt a sustainable way of living. ‘More’ sustainable isn’t good enough any more. We’ve got to get full on about it. So over the next couple of weeks, let’s do the Bees and ourselves a giant favour. Get out there on balcony’s and in back gardens, sow some seeds and get them flowers blooming. Before its too bloomin’ late !!.

#Soundslikeflowers – so be sure to crank up the B52’s ! Doin’ it right day and night. We gotta tell it like it T-I-S !

#BeeAdventurous #BeeFriendly #FlowerPower #DiscoverandShare

B52s – Tell it like it T-I-S

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