a new feature to our blog… YOU…
Yes, YOU.

With his inaugural post, let’s toast our newest Italian native grape hunter… THE FEX :)

It’s 16.08.2016…Venezia, Murano, Burano, Mazzorbo and Torcello… Call it my nautical tour of the Islands
to research the vineyards and vines of the ‘SERENISSIMA’, aka VENICE, that magical lagoon location in Italy’s northeast corner.

Almost lost, but thankfully rediscovered, one such variety is DORONA.

Known as the golden grape of the Venetian Doges, it’s lightly bloomed skin turns golden upon reaching maturity. Today, with just one vineyard in known operational existence, after picking and careful selection, vinification commences with a prolonged period of skin contact, 24-30 days in stainless steel.

Following fermentation, the wine is bottled and laid down to age for up to 2 years. An inspired project, born out of Desiderio Bisol’s rediscovery of the vine and Roberto Cipresso’s masterful wine-making skill, their creation is called VENISSA.

A truly rare wine, sold by allocation and commanding significantly high prices for a mere 0.5 lt ‘en primeur’, for now I must sadly take a pass on tasting :) One day soon… I hope good fortune will favour me.

There are some who’d say VENISSA’s value is more historical, ampelographic and emotional rather than commercial. But to my view, it’s a wine that comes to the rescue of our wine-making culture and philosophy.

Do we need another 1/3 Chardonnay, 1/3 Pinot Grigio, 1/3 of every other variety in the cellar ? That’s the point really.

As the day drew to a close, I rang the bell at the Carmelite Convent at Cannareggio.

It’s adjacent to the main train station at Venezia S.Lucia. I had the vain hope of talking with them about their small experimental vineyard. Sadly there was no reply. It was late and so was I. Pity that.

No worries, the memory will Stay Gold.

A presto… THE FEX


Wherever you are in the world, if you’ve got a native grape close to heart that you wanna talk about, talk to us @THENATIVEGRAPES.

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