
Articles from this Category


Wonderful news from Paris where “Pignolo Cultivating the Invisible” has been awarded the PRIX DE L’OIV 2022. What an honour for the Invisible One!

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Change & Resistance – VinNatur 2019

There comes a time in all our lives when we must face ‘Change and Resistance’. With growing maturity and self-assurance, VinNatur 2019 has faced up and grabbed both by the proverbial horns.

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Chardonnay, Chablis and AIR.

So prominent is this grapevine on the international landscape, that its origin is often simply overlooked. Yes, when it comes to Chardonnay, one of the worlds most versatile native grapes, it’s only right and proper that its northern French heritage is recognised.

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It’s Rocking the ‘Cradle’….or should that be the ‘Cot’ ? Domaine Mas Del Périé and Fabien Jouves are making good ground. One day soon… it’s gonna happen.

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